This section is available from the main menu Funnels — My Funnels.
Find out more about the purpose of the sales funnels and the main settings of the section in this article.
Name of a funnel
When a funnel is created, the default name is “Funnel DATE TIME.” This will not be displayed to clients and subscribers. You may rename it as needed.
Click the default name of the funnel, enter desired new name, and click Save.
Editing field of the funnel
The top right corner displays the following buttons:
Enable viewing statistics
- Adding block “Note;”
- Back or forward
- Save button
- Slide bar to enable or disable the funnel
- Sharing the funnel
- Close or exit edit mode
Funnel element panel is found on the left part of the screen.
To add an element to your funnel, hold the mouse over this element and drag it to the workspace:
Funnel Elements
+ Key Settings of the Elements
All funnel elements have the same structure displayed on the screenshot below:
Click “Edit the Element” button to open its configuration window:
Rename, preview, and make notes – these functions are available in edit mode for all elements. The other functions depend on the types of the elements. These are discussed below.
+ Pages
Sales funnels can provide access to and create several types of pages:
- Any page by URL
- Content
- Members’ area
- Opt-in
- Double opt-in
- Activation
- Payment page
- Upsell
- Order page
- Countdown
- Webinar page
Let us consider each type of page in detail.
Any page by URL
You can use this block to add a funnel in any of your external pages (created in InfluencerSoft or in any other service).
- Link: Adds a page link to the funnel. The link should be entered in full with the protocol (http:// or https://)
- Preview button: Makes a page screenshot that can be added to the funnel as an element icon.
- Click reference code : If the added page is not created in InfluencerSoft, copy the proposed code, and insert it in <HEAD> of this page, otherwise, the funnel does not count this page’s statistics.
Content. Activation. Webinar page
These elements are designed to create the respective pages directly via the funnel.
Going into edit mode in this element will let you create a page and select a template.
Then you can move to the page maker to create a page from a ready-to-use template. Find out more how to create pages in the page maker in this article.
Once you create, save the pages, and exit the page maker. This will return you to the element settings page in the funnel.
- Page link: Displays the current link to the page. Click it to edit the link.
- Preview button: Provides a screenshot of the page and adds it to the sales funnel as an element icon.
- Open in Browser: Will open the page in a browser (if the funnel is disabled, then the page is opened in preview mode).
- Page heading: Allows you to add/change the page heading.
- Page preview: Provides a preview of what your page looks like.
- Edit: Allows you to edit the page in the page maker.
- Delete: Deletes a page.
- Control of interactive blocks: Allows you control of the interactive blocks.
- Timer: Will let you set a page timer. To display a timer on a page, while in the page maker, drag a timer widget to the desired place on the page. Find out how to add a widget on a page here.
These pages are created in the same way as the content/activation/webinar page, but it has an additional “Actions” tab in the settings, where you can configure the subscription parameters.
- Creating a new list of contacts – enter the name of the new group in the corresponding field and click on the button with the plus sign; a new group will be created and automatically selected in the form settings on this page.
- Selecting a list to which you want to add contacts after subscribing through the forms of this page – tick one or more groups, it is to this list/lists that the contact will be added after subscribing through this page.
- Activation message settings. If the checkbox is checked, the email settings are taken from the list settings. If the checkbox is not checked, then the activation letter is configured directly for the current page of the funnel.
- Select the sender’s contact for the activation email.
- Activation message subject.
- Activation message text.
- Activation message preview.
- Testing the activation message.
- Add tag – here you can specify a tag, it will be assigned to all contacts who subscribe through this page.
- Remove lead from lists – here you can select the lists from which the lead will be removed after subscribing through this page.
- Add UTM – here you can set utm tags, they will be assigned to contacts who subscribe through this page.
- Append parameters to exit point links – you can add dynamic variables to the link:
– {$ name} – name;
– {$ email} – e-mail address;
– {$ phone} – phone. In this way, you can redirect the client to the payment page, and his data will be automatically inserted into the form.
Members Area
This element can add any available lesson from a course to a funnel or create a new course with a lesson.
- Creates a new course.
- Selects a previously created course.
- Adds a course icon as a funnel element.
- Edits the course settings. Courses created in the funnels are configured in the Courses section in the same way as courses that are not created through the funnels.
- Selects a previously created lesson (this is populated depending on the earlier course selected).
- Adds a lesson icon as a funnel element.
- Edits the settings of the selected lesson.
This element can add an Upsell element to the funnel and select the product to add.
To create this page, follow the steps for Content/Opt-in/Double opt-in/Activation/Webinar page.
There is an added tab, “Actions,” in its settings to configure which product will be upsold.
- Ability to select one or two products for upsell.
Each product has its own variable, this variable must be specified in the settings of the button/link on the upsell page, so that when you click on it, the corresponding product is added to the order:
#upsell_yes – selection of product
#upsell_no – refusal from upsell, always shown, cannot be deleted. - Attach the product created before.
- Create and attach a new product.
- As well as in the page “Opt in” and “Double opt in” there is a possibility to add dynamic variables.
Order page
This element can link the landing and the payment pages in the funnel. You can create and configure the order page. To create this page, follow the steps for Content/Opt-in/Double opt-in/Activation/Webinar page. Its settings include an extra tab, “Actions,” to configure which product to sell on this page.
It is used for PayPal payment gateway where you can place an order and pay that it's routing to an external link going to PayPal.
- Attaches previously created products.
- Creates and attaches a new product.
- Adds a tag to the orders generated on this page.
- Attaches a previously created discount (i.e. the attached discount coupon is attached to the orders generated on this page).
- Creates and attaches a new discount coupon.
- Adds the ad tags to the orders generated on this page.
Payment Page
Using this element, you can add a page to the funnel where you can place an order and pay for it with a card immediately without leaving the page. It is used for Stripe payment gateway.
The page itself is created in the same way as the content / activation / webinar, but in its settings there is an additional “Actions” tab, where you can configure which product will be sold through this page.
- Binding a product created earlier.
- Creating and linking a new product.
- Adding a tag to orders made through this page.
- Linking a discount to a previously created one (i.e., the linked discount coupon will be applied to orders made through this page).
- Create and link a new discount coupon.
- Adding a Bump Offer.
- Adding promotional tags to orders created through this page.
- Also, as in the ‘Subscription’ page, there is a possibility of adding dynamic variables.
The Bump Offer allows the customer to add another product to the invoice – with just one click! You can add a short but vivid description of the product, as well as the benefits of buying it along with the main product on the checkout page of which the customer is located:
The Bump Offer field has flexible design settings:
- Selection of a product that will be a “Bump Offer” to the main product.
- The text in the “Bump Offer” button, to the right of the checkbox (the checkbox is turned on not only by checking the box, but also by simply clicking on the hot offer button).
- Setting the outer and inner padding of the button.
- General settings for button design (rounding of edges, button color, size and color of the stroke, as well as centering of the text in it).
- Picture settings near the checkbox (by default, an arrow, you can change it to your picture or turn it off).
- Hot offer description text. Describe the product vividly and why it is better to buy it right now along with the main product!
- Setting the outer and inner indents of the description.
- General settings for the description design (rounding of edges, background color, size and stroke color).
Also, for all forms on this page, the field ‘Payment by card’ is included, which cannot be disabled. This field makes the possibility of buying in ‘one click’ realized without the need to go to other pages.
This element, can add both selling page and payment page to the funnel. You can create and customize the countdown page.
To create this page, follow the steps for Content. The Timer widget is preinstalled in all templates of this page.
+ Forms
Subscription forms and orders can be created directly in the sales funnels. The first entry to edit this element provides the access to the button to create a form and to select a template.
Then you go to the form constructor to design a form from a ready-to-use template. Find out more how to design a form in the constructor in this article. Once you create, save a form and exit the constructor, you return to the element settings in the funnel and can configure the form settings in the tab “Actions”.
Opt in/Double opt in forms
- Create a new lead group — enter the name of a new group in the respective field and click a plus button; a new group will be generated and automatically selected in the form settings.
- Select a group to add the leads which have subscribed via the forms — tick one or several groups to add a lead once it uses this form to subscribe.
- Add a tag — you can add a tag here, it will be attached to all leads which subscribe via this form.
- Delete a lead from the particular groups — you can select the groups which a lead is deleted from once it subscribes via this form.
- Add the ad utm-tags — you can set the ad utm-tags here, they will be attached to the leads which subscribe via this form.
- As well as in the page “Opt in” and “Double opt in” there is a possibility to add dynamic variables.
- If the sender’s contact is not added, the Add sender email button will be displayed. If the sender’s contact is not added, the Add sender email button will be displayed. After clicking on the button, you can go to the section to add the sender’s contact.
Order form
- Attach a product created before.
- Create and attach a new product.
- Add a tag to the form-generated orders.
- Attach a discount created before (i.e. the attached discount coupon is applied to the form-generated orders).
- Create and attach a new discount coupon.
- Add the ad utm-tags to the form-generated orders.
- As well as in the page “Opt in” and “Double opt in” there is a possibility to add dynamic variables.
+ Actions
You can add several types of actions in the sales funnel:
- A/B testing
- Filter
- Process
- Timer
- Custom Block
Let us look at the settings of these actions in detail:
You can send an email here.
- Selects whether the email should be sent again once a lead gets into the funnel the second time. Grey means the letter is sent again; green means the letter is sent once when a lead gets to the funnel for the first time.
- Selects when the email is sent.
- Selects who the sender is.
- Subject of the letter.
- Select the mode to create an email — message constructor or visual editor.
- Adds parameters for sending an email.
A/В Test
You can apply A/B testing here, for example, to expose leads to different versions of the landing page or to send an email with different subject lines to evaluate which version has better conversion results.
Here you can group the leads by the parameters set in the filter (for example, the invoice is generated, a lesson is accessible, included into a client group, etc.). This determines further actions in the sales funnel.
Using this block, you can create a process and add it to the funnel.
To create a process, click on the Create process button.
A modal window opens, specify the name of the process. Save the settings and return to editing the funnel .
After saving, the process is substituted in the block settings. The button “Edit Process” opens editing – the constructor of the process, after saving or canceling it returns to the funnel.
Execute for an object:
- Any number of times. If the contact enters the second time, then the process is executed for it.
- Just one time. If the contact enters the second time, then nothing happens to it.
- Any number of times, but not simultaneously. If a contact enters the second time before this process completes for it, then nothing will happen to it. If the contact enters the second time after this process completes for it, then the process is repeated for it.
Please note that the processes created through the funnel can only be seen through the funnel, they are:
- are not displayed on the “Process” page;
- are not displayed when adding a contact to a process from a contact card.
The created Process for a contact can be launched in 2 ways:
- the contact got into the “Process” -action during the passage through the funnel;
- the contact got into the process through the start trigger of the process (for example, in the middle of the funnel there is a process in which there is a trigger “added to the group” and when this trigger fires, the contact enters this process of this funnel).
The process is switched on or off with the funnel.
Using this element, you can add a Timer block action to the funnel. Thus, you can make a common timer for several pages or emails at once.
- Perform only once for an object – using this switch you can choose whether the timer will be applied repeatedly for the same contact or not. Switch Green – the timer is applied only once, Gray – the timer can be used repeatedly.
- Timer reapply settings. Here you can specify the delay (in minutes) after which the timer can be reused.
- Select a type of a timer.
- Settings for the timer expiration.
Custom block
This is a user-defined block. You can use it, for example, to specify some funnel stages. It has no settings – just enter the name and choose an icon for it.
+ Traffic
The elements from the Traffic category are designed to add the traffic sources into the funnel.
- Here you can set the UTM-tags for this traffic source.
- This is where the link tail with the tags is displayed.
- Copy link: Allows you to copy the link tail.
The funnel will monitor all traffic from the link with the tags set in this block.
The elements include eight pre-defined traffic sources with the configured basic tags:
- AdWords
- YouTube
- Affiliates
The Source block can be used for any other user-defined set of tags.
Links between the funnel elements
How to link funnel elements
To link the funnel elements, just hold the mouse pointer over the element, drag it to the element to relate to and then click to connect.
Link types between the funnel elements
The funnel elements have several types of links. A set of links-exits from the element is different for different elements. Let us look at each link in detail.
Arbitrary exit
Arbitrary exit is just a visual link between the elements. It can be used to visualize the logical connection between the elements.
It can be linked with:
- Any block/Action.
A lead is added
This link shows the path once a lead is added to a group.
It can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
- A/B test (of a page and form) on any page.
- Any Block/Action.
Subscription is activated
This link shows the path once the subscription in a group is activated.
It can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
- A/B test (of a page and form) on any page.
- Any Block/Action.
A page is visited.
A page with a form is opened. An email is opened
This link shows the path once a page is visited/an email is opened.
It can be linked with:
- Any Block/Action.
Next page. A link or button is clicked
This link can transfer a user to the next page once the button on the original page is clicked.
To enable this link, select “Open the link” then “Next page” in the button widget settings on the original page.
Or you can select the “Open the link” field and add the #nextpage variable instead of the link.
You can easily change the relationship between the elements and when you change the connection. You will not need to change the link on the original page or in the email each time.
It can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
- A/B test (of a page and form) on any page.
A lesson is completed
This link defines the path once a lesson is completed.
It can be linked with:
- Any action and traffic.
An invoice is generated
This link defines the path once an invoice is generated. There is also a non-editable link with the block “Select a payment method”. This link transfers a user to the page to select a payment method once an invoice is generated.
It can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
- Any action.
An invoice is paid
This link defines the path once an invoice is paid.
It can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
- A/B test (of a page and form) on any page.
- Any action.
Next action
This link defines the path once an email is sent.
It can be linked with:
- Any action.
А/В test — Option А/Option В
This link defines the distribution for А/В testing.
A/B test (actions) can be linked with:
- Any action.
A/B test (of a page and form) can be linked with:
- Any page and form.
Next action, if a lead matches/does not match the filter parameters
This defines the path once a filter is applied — a separate path, if a lead matches the filter parameters (green), and another path, if a lead does not match the filter parameters (red).
It can be linked with:
- Any action.
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